Fort Colville Gun Club (FCGC) Rifle Range allows you to shoot at distances of 50 and 100 yards.
Members that have had a Range Orientation have unlimited use, subject to operating hours.
All personnel utilizing the range must:
- Attend an initial range and safety orientation
- Members that have had a Range Orientation have unlimited use, subject to operating hours.
- Non-members may use the rifle range when there is an NRA-certified Range Safety Officer (RSO) present.
- All Members, guests of members and public must sign the logbook before using the rifle range.
- By signing the range logbook you agree to follow Fort Colville Gun Club Safety rules and conditions to use the rifle range.
- Non-members must sign a Hold Harmless Agreement
- Rifle Range Operations Guide
Public Hours of Operation:
1st & 3rd Sunday – 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
* Public hours may change depending on availability of a Range Safety Officer (RSO).
Range fee for non-members $5 per person
Rifle Range Coordinator: D.J. Moore Sr