Fort Colville Gun Club By-Laws (.pdf)
Goals and Objective of the Fort Colville Gun Club
A. To promote the fascinating, interesting, and personal satisfaction of achieving the skills to safely shoot a shotgun, rifle, or pistol, under close supervision.
B. To promote the use of the club facilities by the public under supervised guidance.
C. The club will provide well trained instructors in the use of firearms, safety procedures, and courtesy required while using the facilities.
D. The club will be available on designated days and hours for public use to sight in and practice with hunting and target shooting equipment.
E. The club will sponsor and participate in competitive shooting matches involving trap, skeet, sporting clays, silhouette, pistol and rifle shooting. Such events could and will include the
following activities:
1. Local Club competitive Trap and Skeet Shooting tournaments.
2. The Spokesman-Review Inland Empire Winter Trap Shoot
3. Public and Club Turkey Shoots
4. Sporting Clay Shoots.
5. Silhouette rifle target shooting tournaments
6. American Trap Association (ATA) registered shooting tournaments
7. Money and fun shoots involving club, public shooters and members from other clubs.
8. Hunter education classes for youth who are interested in obtaining a first time hunting license.
Anyone, male or female, who has an interest in learning to or improving their skills in shooting and handling sporting and target firearms is encouraged to join the club.
Non shooters who have an entries in supporting the use of firearms used for hunting and sporting activities are also encouraged to join.
members existing will be required to pay membership dues
as prescribed by club regulations.
The membership will regulate the due’s structure.
The club will operate on a calendar year basis with yearly membership
dues payable by January 1 of each year.
A family membership will be available where more than two (2)
shooters reside within the same household. The first two (2) members
will pay regular yearly dues and the third and so fourth will pay an
additional five ($5) dollars per shooter for insurance purposes.
Any member or guest acting in any manner that could endanger another
person or Club property, will be ejected from the club grounds. This action
can be taken by club members with the consensus of two or more club
members. Repeated violation will be sufficient grounds for the member to
be suspended until the situation can be resolved by the Board of Directors.
Any meetings must be scheduled with at least two (2) weeks notice
provide to the Board of Directors and the accused offender. The offender
will be allowed to be heard on his or her behalf. After the conclusion of
the meeting, the club president will have two (2) weeks to notify the
offender by letter, of the Board of Directors decision.
Visitors will be allowed to shoot four (4) consecutive dates and then they
will be encouraged to join the club. Shooters who belong to other clubs
will be allowed Club privileges as guests for a two (2) calendar month
period and at that time will be required to join the Club.
Two (2) annual meetings will be held each year in April and October.
Additional meetings may be called by the President at any time if authority
is given by the Board of Directors. Ten (10) members must be present to
form a quorum for voting procedures. The meetings can be held at the
Gun Club or at other facilities.
The objectives of the meeting in April will be evaluation of past winter
activities and planning of summer activities. The meeting will also provide
the opportunity and present awards and trophies to class winners in trap and skeet activities held during the Spokesman-Review
The two (2) months prior to the April meeting the president will appoint
an awards committee, who will select and purchase awards and trophies
for class winners.
The October meeting will be held to elect the coming years new officers
and to plan the fall and winter shooting activities.
Thirty (30) days prior to the fall meeting, the president shall appoint a
nominating committee consisting of three (3) members who have voting
rights within the club. Their duties shall include selecting and nominating
club members who are desirous of becoming active officers and Board of
Directors members.
The nominating committee shall notify the Club Secretary-Treasurer of
selected nominees, not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.
Nominations for officers and directors can also be made from the floor by
Club members in good standing. New officers and Board of Directors
Members will assume their duties on November 1 of each year.
Board of Directors members must be 21 years of age and
paid Club members.
The control of the property, business and affairs of
the corporation shall be vested in the Board of
Directors and officers consisting of at least 12 positions:
Four (4) Directors shall have (1) year terms
Two (2) Directors shall have (2) year terms
One (1) Director shall have (3) year term
The President, Vice-president, Secretary,
Treasurer, and past President will serve one (1)
year terms and will be voting members of the
Board of Directors.
Officers can be re-elected. A newly elected President
or Vice-president should come from the Board of
Directors or ave been a past Club Officer.
The Board of Directors shall hold regular, quarterly
meetings at the Gun Club, or other such place as may be
designated by the Board of Directors, and at such other
time or times as determined by the President. At least
four (4) or more of the Directors/Officers must be present
to constitute a quorum.
In addition to the powers and authority by these By-laws expressly conferred upon them, the Board of
Directors may exercise all such powers
of the Club do such lawful acts as required be these By-Laws is
hereby declared that the Board of Directors shall have the following
A. When required will change the roles and regulations for the
management of the club’s affairs.
B. Purchase or acquire for the Club and property rights or
privileges which the Club is authorized to acquire, at such
price or consideration and , on such terms and conditions as
they feel are appropriate.
C. Appoint and, at their discretion, also remove or suspend
such insubordinate officers, agents or membership
permanently or temporarily as necessary.
D. Determine who shall be authorized in the Club’s behalf to
sign bills, notes, receipts, acceptances, endorsements, checks,
releases, contracts, and documents.
Any provision contained in any stature, charter or By-laws to the contrary
notwithstanding, the Board of Directors will have the right and power to
sell or encumber any real property owned by the Club only after first
obtaining the authorization and approval of the majority of Club membership
duly called and held for that purpose.
The officers of this Club will be a President, Vice-president, Secretary, and
Treasurer, who will be elected by Club Members from the membership.
The President will preside at all meetings of the members or the Board of
Directors. He or she will have general management and supervision of the
affairs of the Club under the supervision of the Board of Directors. He or
she will appoint the members of all committees and will perform all such
other duties as are incident to his or her office or properly required of him
or her by the Board of Directors. He or she will appoint the member of all
committees and will perform all such other duties as are incident to his or
her office or properly required of him or her by the Board of Directors. In
the absence or disability of the President, the Vice-President will exercise
all of his or her functions. All Club Officers will be 21 years of age, and
paid up Club members in good standing of the Club. It is desirous that
officers have been club members for at least three (3) years.
The Board of Directors may choose to combine the office of the Secretary
and Treasurer. The Secretary will conduct all official correspondence of
the Club, and will keep a record of all meetings of the Board of Directors
and of the meetings of the members. He or she will issue notice of all
meetings, notify all candidates of their election , and to perform such duties
as usually pertain to the office of Secretary. The Treasurer shall be
responsible for the keeping of regular accounts and shall have custody of
all moneys of the Club, which must be deposited in the name of the Club in
some bank or banks selected by the Directors. The treasurer shall post
such bond as may be required by the Directors, and shall make such
reports and perform such other duties as are incident to his or her office or
are properly required of him or her by the Board of Directors.
The Treasurer shall furnish a copy of the latest financial statement of the
Club to the President upon request or at regular scheduled meetings.
The President shall appoint members of such committees and in such
numbers as the Directors or the Club may direct. The President may also
appoint an auditing committee.
All rules and regulations pertaining to the operation of the Club, trap
grounds, and the use thereof, shall be made and amended from time to
time be the Board of Directors, and privileges hereof shall be exclusively
for the use and benefit of the members of this Club, visitors, and the public
in general who are interested in promoting safe shooting and the handling
of firearms and other sporting or hunting equipment.
The Club will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any personal
articles, on the Gun Club property.
All members of the Club are requested to report any violation of the rules
and regulations of the Club to the Directors.